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SINCE Feb 23, 2011
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(Click here for English Version)
購貨額不超過 $500者,只需留電話姓名確認即可。我們會按個別情況(如訂購該貨品的需求極低、訂貨金額很高)收取10%的訂金。
本網站僅提供「代購服務」,因此本網站及相關員工並不會在任何情況下就任何客戶要求購買的產品之素質或功效負責。所有經本網站購買的產品均可在美國合法銷售或分發,顧客需自行審查、研究和調查產品內的成份是否 (1) 獲准在香港發售或分發;(2) 對使用者有良性或不良影響。本網站不用在任何情況下,就產品內容或誤用產品負擔任何法律或金錢責任。
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you provide more details of your service?
We order health and organic products from various US manufacturers on behalf of our customers and upon their requests. Customers can first visit the web sites of these manufacturers as a means to understand the functions, directions of use, quantity/volume and ingredients of the products they desire. Then, they can contact us by means of email or phone and enquire about the price. Once they are pleased with the price, they can order those products through us.
Are enquiries for quote welcome?
Sure, simply send us an email or call us for quote of any products.
Do you provide suggestions on choosing products? Can you tell me their effects?
Since there are plenty of products, we can only provide suggestions on products we have tried. We believe in the concept that "one should be responsible for his/her own health", therefore, we encourage our customers to do research before purchase. Product quality is guaranteed. Yet, we are not responsible for what is purchased via our service.
Do I need to pay any deposit?
No deposit is required for order amount less than $500. However, a deposit of 10% is required in certain circumstances.
Your products are from the United States, how is it possible that my order arrives in just a few days?
Our products are shipped to Hong Kong through DHL and therefore can arrive in approx. 2-3 business days.
Terms of Service
The service provided by this web site is merely ordering service, which means that this web site or its staff shall not under any circumstance be responsible for the quality or effectiveness of any product requested by customers.
All products ordered via this web site are legally sold and distributed in the United States of America; yet it is totally the responsibility of customer to examine, study and investigate if any ingredient of any product is 1) allowed in Hong Kong; 2) beneficial or harmful to the end user. This web site is not responsible anyhow (legally or financially, etc) to product content or misuse of product.
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